Step Into Your Power

coaching finance fitness lifecoach relationships runyour24 transformation Jan 18, 2018

I don't care how many people I coach, how many emails I send, the message is always the same:  the quicker you assume 100% responsibility for your current position, the quicker transformation occurs.

Bold as that statement is, what will assist you in stepping out of the muck and mire that you find with assuming that responsibility and into your power is a Coaching Concept used in our Coaching and Training Academy called "Run Your 24."

"Run Your 24" reminds you to run your day, instead of letting the day run you.  The backbone of this Coaching Concept is that you are in charge.

At first glance, you might think that "Run Your 24" has to do with time management. 

But it's way more than that; it's CHOICE.

Choice of action, attitude, and position throughout that 24. 

You choose to eat breakfast or not.

You choose to drink water or not.

You choose to drink alcohol or not.

You choose to be kind or not.

You choose to open your mind or not.

You choose to pray or not.

You choose to control your spending or not.

You choose to be reliable or not.

You choose to speak up or not.

In all situations, you CHOOSE.

Own the fact that you are 100% in the Driver's Seat and you get to choose whether you stay on this road or take the next exit and navigate towards a new destination.

No one is fated towards a certain lot in life.

You can choose to do whatever it is that you want-so don't confuse not having a choice with not liking the consequences of choosing the alternative or something new.


You always have a choice, and that is one very important distinction to make in order to facilitate not only a quick transition but one whose decisions rest securely inside of you.

That's the difference between victim and victor; and ownership of that position is what unequivocally transforms your entire life. 

Now this may seem at first a gargantuan task but we've recruited an  Industry Leader whose expertise is assisting people to Step Up Into Their Power and Make Things Happen:  Nichole DeVincentis. 

Known in the Social Media World as "Figure Chick 911," Nichole has a heart for helping people break free of the physical, emotional and mental barriers that hold them back from living the vibrant and vivacious lives of their dreams.   Her love is Old School-you can see it in her eyes-and she is the Best Friend who will pick you up when you're down, make you laugh until you cry, and will also courageously tell you the truth when you're headed in the wrong direction. 

Nichole publishes powerful coaching material on her fitness website; one of which is a blog series:  Saturday Straight Talk.  Nic did a post on The Power of Choice-turns out it's just what the doctor ordered.  

CLICK HERE FOR Straight Talk From Your Coach: The Power of Choice.


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