Details Matter

May 15, 2019

Have you ever seen a cake that was so beautifully decorated you almost didn't want to eat it?

One that was so gorgeous you consider it to be the reason why you started posting food pictures on social media?

Similarly, have you ever taken a bite of a cake that had the most perfect balance of flavor, with such a tender and moist crumb that you dreamt about it for weeks afterwards?

What made that cake stand out from any other you have ever seen or eaten?

It was the attention to detail the baker had while crafting it-from start to finish. 

The flour was sifted.

The butter was creamed and fluffed before the sugar was added.

The pans were prepared.

The oven was maintained at just the right temperature.

The frosting was lump-free.

The decorations and garnishes were lovingly and carefully PLACED on the cake with precision.


Take a look at anything great:  Italian architecture, the graceful extension and placement of fingers a ballerina uses, the pristine table setting and food presentation at a 5 star restaurant, the lighting in a photo shoot, the words used in negotiations...even the amount of medication you administer to your little one who has a comes down to DETAILS.

Similarly, to go Next Level and get stellar results, you’re going to have to start doing things differently.

You’re going to have to be willing to surrender the habits and behaviors which have become a liability to you, and replace them with ones that bring you closer to your goal.

That includes dialing in on the details.  Want more?  Let's take a jump on over to FigureChick 911's house for some Champion Mindset Training and talk about DETAILS.   CLICK HERE.


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