Don't Stop Until You Reach The Next Door

bossbabe champion come up decision entrepreneur finance fitness grower inspiration leader lifestyle success transformation Aug 20, 2018

You might want to sit down for this one:  The one thing you should EXPECT whenever you commit to a major goal, is for all hell to break loose. 

Call it what you will:  Murphy's Law, the Universe testing you to see how badly you want it...I'm here to tell you that if you're in it, that is the NORMAL PATH OF PROGRESSION. (#sorrynotsorry)

I know, I're sitting there kinda dumbfounded right now, right?  Like,  "For REAL?  This is 'normal'?"

Welcome to the Club of Growers!

Every single one of us here is a Grower and it is a fact that Growth is uncomfortable.  Hence the name “growing pains.”

You totally got a smirk on your face after you read that, didn't you?  haha 

You didn't think you were the only one, did you?  HAHAHAHAHA!

Sometimes I just can't help myself...I'm only laughing because honestly-what else are you going to do?

In all seriousness, here's what you need to know: 

When you’re making major TRANSFORMATION-it challenges you at your core; who you have been and how you’ve been operating up to this point. 

And speaking from personal and professional experience, it served you for a season.

That season could have been a few short months, or your entire life up to this point.

Major life transitions occur when your “Season” at a particular station is finished. 

The only thing that is happening is a chipping away of what no longer serves you and the true you is manifesting.  This is nothing short of awesome! 

Keep Putting In Work and Don't Stop Until You Reach The Next Door.

Your Biggest BreakDOWN Always Comes Just Before Your Biggest BreakTHROUGH

If you’re at a Transition Point, and are SERIOUS about hiring me to assist you in your Personal or Professional Transformation, contact me directly via email:  [email protected]

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