Financial Finesse Part 1: If Time And Money Were Of No Issue, What Would You Do?

bossbabe business finance financialfinesse lifestyle success womenofstrength Oct 30, 2017

If time and money were of no issue, what would you do?  That's such an awesome question, isn't it? 

What WOULD you do?  Travel?  Spend more time with family?  Take up a new hobby?  Go on a missions trip? 

It's so exciting to think about, isn't it?  So check this out...

A few months ago, I read something really interesting in ELLE Magazine; that touched on that very question, and also completely transformed our Academy.  It was a Success Survey entitled "The Art of The Zeal."

In this survey, 2,000 women were interviewed about how they define success in varying areas of their life, and how they weigh certain preferences such as work/life balance.

The responses to two specific questions gave me what I like to call an "anvil on the head moment" (Like when the anvil falls on the head of Wile E. Coyote in every episode of The Road Runner! Lol), where suddenly your blinders are taken off and you see things so clearly, and in an entirely new light.

Here's the 2 Pearl Points:

Women value time with family over financial success, and

Would prefer a 10% raise over losing 10 pounds.

Wanna know something funny?  I already knew this.  Those were the EXACT findings I've had coaching women.  But it took both of those statistics lined up side by side for me to connect the dots.

As an entrepreneur, I'm hard-wired to look for opportunities to solve people's problems.  This comes about by always asking the question, "Why does it have to be that way?"

Here's what I asked myself:   "If we know the results of the survey to be true, why aren't more women financially fit so that they can spend more time with their families and less time at work?"  All that from a one-page article in a fashion magazine!

I know sometimes the issue of finances hits a sensitive nerve.  Be assured, I come in peace (insert white flag here).  Let's do a quick little exercise here, and get our hearts into the right place:  

Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees when you're working your culo off and are completely overleveraged with all of your responsibilities.  And other times, it's more of an "I don't want to look" issue, and you just "keep swimming" pretending that the problem isn't there.

I am not here to throw the blanket of shame on you.  I AM here to spawn some dialogue surrounding the following question:  What would you do, or could you do if you had more money at the end of your month?

Would you have to be away from your friends and family to work as much?  Now THERE'S some food for thought!  

Here's what I know:  The Universe has a way of repeating problems until we learn the lesson.  Finances are no exception.

Getting yourself all the way together and handling your finances is actually really fun!  Next to trying on a pair of jeans or a bathing suit and LOVING what you see, it seriously is one of the MOST REWARDING THINGS EVER.

The hardest part is admitting you have a problem.  (We've all heard that before, right?!?)  Once you have your "Houston, we have a problem" moment, the next step is pushing past the fear of what you'll discover.

The Good News is that once you DECIDE to look your fear square in the eyes, you immediately regain your power.

It all starts with a DECISION.

A DECISION to BO$$ UP, and get yourself all the way together. 

A DECISION to shine some light on the dark areas and clean them up so they sparkle like new.

A DECISION to do whatever is necessary to resolve the problem, including becoming a student again.

One thing is certain:  when the student is ready, the Teacher appears.  And that's EXACTLY how you ended up reading this.

When it comes to your finances, our mission and commitment to you are one:

We help people slay their financial fears and assist them on the road to financial freedom and transforming the trajectory of their families for generations to come.

As we roll into the tail end of 2017, let's do a quick inventory. 

Ask yourself one simple question:  Am I closer to, or farther away from my financial goals?

If you're ready to Slay the Financial Beast that has you working from sun-up to sun-down and keeps you away from your family, let's get you rockin on the best investment you will EVER make:  YOURSELF and 1:1 Financial Finesse Coaching.  

You will learn how-to make Smart, Simple and Strategic moves to:

     * Have more money at the end of your month

     * Plan and Organize your finances for the year

     * QUICKLY determine your current working budget

     * Establish projections for debt reduction, and how to move the needle of your finances forward  

     * Regain Your Power and Command Your Financial Future 

It starts with a 90-minute Consultation and Strategic Coaching Session.  You are 100% in the Driver's Seat when it comes to your finances and ironically, the only thing which is holding you back from having peace of mind and more time with your family. 


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