Conquering The Fear of Criticism

Jun 07, 2018

Have you ever worried about what other people think of you?

Certainly, at one point or another, most of us have.  

We worry that people won't accept us for our perceived oddities and quirks, or that they will make fun of us for the new things that we're trying; or that we'll flat out look stupid in front of others.  (You didn't think you were the only one, did you?)

GUESS WHAT?  The Fear of Criticism is one of the biggest fears shared my millions-if not billions of people all across the world.

With all of our teachings, our goal is to help you understand more about yourself, more about others, and how some of our humanness impacts our lives and most importantly-our relationships.  The keyword is UNDERSTAND.  

Remember:  A coach's job is to expose problems and provide solutions that will catapult you towards your goals.  At the time IT IS NOT COMFORTABLE. 

This is where you come in. 

Before any sort of progress can be made, you must remain teachable and coachable.  


Here's The Pearl:  Worrying about what others think of you creates a domino effect of destruction in every area of your life. 

Take a breath and track with me for a quick sec...when you worry about what others think about you, or not being accepted by others it is very easy to you become a chameleon.  That may serve an animal in the wild who doesn't want to be seen by its predators, but in your relationships, it is LETHAL.  

That fear begins to control your conversations, your actions and before you know it, how you run your life.  

It causes you to be inconsistent.  One second you're saying one thing-the next you're doing something else. 

Many people believe it's because they lack discipline-and that may be part of the case-but when you dig deeper, the roots go much further. 

The root CAUSE of that inconsistency is FEAR OF CRITICISM.

You might think that it doesn't cause much harm, but here's where it gets a bit dicey:  That inconsistency starts to become your norm.  You are constantly changing to suit your environment and ultimately to satisfy another's temporary mood.

That inconsistency and chameleon behavior breeds mistrust.

Mistrust amongst others, but more importantly-mistrust of yourself.

The sad reality is that no true relationships can exist without trust. 

Sure, you can have superficial relationships, but when words and actions do not align, the relationship is destined to crumble. 

I cannot tell you how many people come to us for Coaching, because they feel like something is lacking in their relationships.  True intimacy.  True love.  True connection. 

Your life is in your relationships.

We can sit here all day long and rattle off a "how-to" plan, but at the end of the day, Change Always Starts With You, and It Starts At The Level Of The Heart.

That is the EXACT reason why all of our Coaching Programs and Events focus on developing the Heart and the Mindset of A Champion.  And to do this, we work very closely with our Fitness Division, because Your Health Is The Vehicle For Your Life. 

FigureChick911 oversees that Division.  There's a phenomenal Champion Mindset Coaching Post that she wrote which dovetails what we're talking about.   It gives you more insight into understanding What Drives You and more importantly, how to combat that overwhelming fear of criticism which keeps you stuck. 

*** ____CLICK___HERE___*** And let's go visit FigureChick911   





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