Apr 19, 2019

Growth is multi-directional and expansive.

Deeper roots.

Higher shoots.

Thicker stems.

Fuller foliage.

More FRUIT. 

When Growth is the expectation, you’ve got to weed, water & fertilize.

Many times you’ll have to prune some dead stuff off, too...the things that no longer serve you-

Relationships that steer you into the ground

Habits that create problems and chaos 

Beliefs that prevent communication, understanding, cooperation.

Professional roles, affiliations or positions...sometimes it’s gotta be clipped off so the new growth can come in stronger and fuller.

Regardless of what it looks like for you, Growth As The Expectation is for when you want to do more than just survive.

Growth is the precursor to THRIVING. 

No matter where you start, (and everyone has a beginning) remember Nature Never Rushes, yet completes everything she sets out to do. 

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