Heart Work Is Serious Business

Sep 22, 2019

I think oftentimes we pray for God to change a situation or circumstance-and we expect God to show up and perform a miracle.

God does not always work in this way. 

It’s been my experience that He takes us on detours and at the same time, begins to change who we are and the condition of our heart amidst those circumstances.

This is what we call HEART WORK.  

The things to remember are that:

Heart Work hurts like a mutha sometimes-the end result is BEAUTIFUL.

God is NEVER in a hurry (which is SO frustrating 🙃) and He ALWAYS gives us EXACTLY what we need at the PRECISE TIME (which is not our time- which is additionally frustrating).

When your training season of Heart Work in the area that you prayed for change in is finished, YOU’LL KNOW IT.   You'll feel a shift inside and know it's time to move forward with the Wisdom, Patience, and Discernment you acquired. 

And in case you're feeling like you missed out on something, or have a heavy amount of regret you can be ASSURED that He sees you.  God makes all things new and He will help you build something new-something beautiful and beyond your wildest dreams. 

I know it’s easier said than done, but give whatever is stressing you on over to Him.  You can talk to Him just like a regular person-even if you've never done it before or it's been a long time since your last conversation. 

Ask Him to Take The Wheel-He is the Ultimate Course Corrector and will see to it that your most heartfelt desires are born anew.

Stay Prayed Up and Happy Sunday To You!  

Love, Your Coach  xoxo

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