Houston, We Have A Problem

bossbabe business finance financial finesse fitfam transformation women of strength Jan 04, 2018

It doesn't matter how many people I coach, how many emails I write, the message is always the same:  The Universe has a way of repeating problems until we learn the lesson.  Finances are no exception.

 Here's what we know: 

When given a choice of either receiving a 10% raise or losing 10 pounds, nearly twice as many women say they'd rather have the cash. 

So if we know this to be true, why aren't more women financially fit?

Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees.  And other times, it's more of a "I don't want to look" issue, and you just pretend that the problem isn't there.

I can assure you that you aren't the only one who's done that.  I myself for years was both so deeply engulfed in working 3 jobs on a rotating day/night schedule and enthralled by the excitement of pursuing my goals as a nurse that I "found myself" in the exact same situation.

And then one day, it was like an anvil hit me on the head and woke me up.  I realized was running around like a maniac,   putting in extra hours at home (uncompensated, btw) and I said, "Houston, we have a problem."  

What I didn't expect, was the fear of sitting down and honestly  looking at the current state of affairs.  I remember asking myself, "If I keep doing what I'm doing, where will I be in 5 years?  In 10?  

I remember feeling angry and ashamed at the paths that I had chosen; not in what I had chosen to do as a profession, but how unbalanced I was in serving others while not covering my own home base.   I also remember how fearful and overwhelmed I was at the THOUGHT of what it would take to change paths.  Does that sound familiar?  

Here's what I know:  Once you have your "Houston, we have a problem" moment, the next step is pushing past the fear of what you'll discover.

The Good News is that once you DECIDE to look your fear square in the eyes, you immediately regain your power.

It all starts with a DECISION.

A DECISION to BO$$ UP, and handle this once and for all.

A DECISION to dig through the mud and get get down to the root of the problem.

A DECISION to do whatever is necessary to resolve the problem, including becoming a student again.

I promise you, when the student is ready, the Teacher appears.  And that's EXACTLY how you ended up reading this.

When it comes to your finances, our mission and commitment to you are one:

We help people face their financial fears and assist them on the road to financial freedom and in transforming the trajectory of their families for generations to come.


"You saved our marriage!  All my husband and I used to do was fight about money.  We now have a workable budget, are paying down debt and have a bright vision for the future.  Best part, the ROMANCE HAS RETURNED!  Thank You!"

I've been coaching people a long time...and it never fails-regardless of the primary reason people seek me out as a coach-there is always a financial undertone that affects their life.  And for most, it's a rather sensitive button, and one that yields a HUGE ROI (Return On Investment) when tended to with attention and care.

Let's do a quick inventory.  

Ask yourself one simple question:  Am I closer to, or farther away from my financial goals? 

If you're ready to Slay the Financial Beast that has you working from sun-up to sun-down and keeps you away from your family and awake at  night, let's get you rockin on the best investment you will EVER make:  1:1 Financial Finesse Coaching. 

Our Financial Finesse Coaching takes place over an 8 week period, where we help you to think like a smart and strategic business owner to triage your current position, organize your expenses, and learn how to communicate about money in a calm, peaceful and effective way.

Financial Finesse Coaching Program is customized to your needs and goals; and begins with a Consultation and Strategic Coaching Session with me.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE

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