If There's A Giant In Front Of You, There's A David Inside Of You

Aug 19, 2019

From the outside, David appeared to be the underdog. 

He was a young boy and "only" had a slingshot. 

But what David had was faith in God.  

What David had was a Gift-a skill that he practiced and developed day in and day out.  


David may have been young and inexperienced in battling giants, but he DECIDED the Giant was going down.  Period. End of story. 


Such is true for you. 

Your "Giant" may appear to be magnanimous. You may be inexperienced in your endeavor or current path. 

Believe this:  So long as there is breath in your nostril, GOD IS NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET.  He gave you a free will to choose your mentality and DECIDE your destiny.   

Everything rises and falls on your making a DECISION. 

A DECISION to win.  A DECISION to triumph. 

A DECISION to crush any and every obstacle that stands in your way-whether it's an opponent, a situation or even your worst inner demons.   

The recipe for Success is simple:  DECIDE.  COMMIT.  SUCCEED.    

Embrace Your Inner David & Make It A Great Week!

With Much Love~Your Coach,

Nichole DeVincentis

Head Coach & Founder

Transformation Gold Coaching and Training Academy

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