Keep Pedaling

encouragement faith inspiration motivation perseverance success the art of recreating yourself time to shine women of strength Jan 31, 2018

I love to watch kids ride their bicycle for the first time without the training wheels.  You know, that whole Norman Rockwell picture…the kid pedaling the bike, the Dad holding onto the seat running alongside of him…and the kid gaining speed and confidence. 

The Next 5 Seconds Go Something Like This: 

Dad lets go, and the kid is pedaling his little heart out-solo for the first time. 

Without fail, the kid glances back (by craning his entire torso backwards), and sees Dad 3 driveways behind.  He realizes he is alone, gets frightened and WIPES OUT.

Dad runs over, picks his crying son up, brushes him off and laughingly says, “You were doin’ it all by yourself; you gotta watch where you’re going.”

The kid wails in a very dramatic vibrato, “You said you wouldn’t let g-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!”  (Kinda makes you wonder if this scenario doesn’t cause regression to Erik Erikson’s 1st stage of psychosocial development:  Trust vs. Mistrust. LOL)

What changed that caused the child to fall? 

Did the kid suddenly become unable to operate a bike?  No.

What happened was that he reduced his pedaling speed AND inadvertently turned the handlebars while looking back for his Dad.

Chances Are, You Are Not Struggling With Learning How To Ride A Bike.  Regardless, There's a lot to be learned from this scenario and its lessons:       

  • The Teacher never lets go until He is confident in your skills to pedal solo
  • Trust the course The Teacher placed you on
  • Stay on the course
  • Focus Forward and don’t look back.  You can’t watch where you’re going by looking backwards.
  • And most importantly, KEEP PEDALING.

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