Organizational Leadership: Operate On A Timeline

Feb 12, 2019

One area that’ll bust any stagnancy you’re experiencing and help you grow by leaps and bounds is what’s called OPERATING ON A TIMELINE.

This has to do with how you ASSIGN your time and/or tasks to do while working towards a goal.

ASSIGNING time is different than managing it.

ASSIGNING it places you in The Driver’s Seat, as the one who makes the decisions as to where and how fast the car will go; and what errands need to be done before reaching your End Destination.

Operating On A Timeline says “between Point A and Point B, I need to accomplish this, this and that-here’s my target time for completion.” AND THEN HOLDING YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE TO THOSE TARGETS. 

This could be ANYTHING: Sleep or exercise habits, prospecting, the moving process, prepping for an event, school things-studying or writing papers...

Word to the wise: Things take longer than you would think, so be sure to add in some “buffer” time. 

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