Doing Everything Right

Dec 24, 2017

The Holidays are in full force, and out comes the good dishes, the special recipes, and the hours of planning and prepping the perfect party.  

But halfway through, we often hear a lot of women say, "I feel so overwhelmed in trying to do everything right."

Does that resonate with you at all?

The Coach's job is to help you achieve a higher state of performance.  We reveal the Gold Standard to you-that's our job-that's why you hired us.

We're also keenly aware that everyone is at a different point in their journey, has different goals, different habits, and performs at different levels.

Guard yourself against falling into the mind trap of being perfect.  You'll never be perfect.  The expectation to be perfect usually originates during our early years.  As we grow, this expectation begins to infiltrate and ultimately dominate our own internal dialogue.  It's how we then receive validation from others, and often times, how we measure our self-worth.

Perfection is an expectation, which, left unmanaged, will cause a breakdown in every area of your life.

Should you strive to be your best?  


Should you challenge yourself to be better than you were yesterday?


But left unchecked and bridled with comparing yourself to others, the need to be perfect paralyzes you.  It inhibits your joy and crushes your spirit. 

It has been said that "Comparison is the thief of joy."  It brings out the worst in each of us, heightens the ego, and causes us to focus on our perceived flaws and inadequacies.

There's a very important distinction to make here, and that is this:

Do not confuse your accomplishments or successes with your value.

Your value does not come from your bank account, your job or your credit score.

Your value does not come from having a statuesque physique, flawless skin, your ability to run fast, or lift heavy.

Your value does not come from how many followers you have, or the number of "likes" you receive on a social media post.

Value is not housed in your accomplishments, or in other people's perception of you.

Your Value comes from God.

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