The Importance Of A Solid Morning Routine

champion coaching leadership Jan 09, 2019

Around here, we've got a saying, "Dominate Your Day Or It Will Dominate You."

Sounds simple enough unless you've got multiple responsibilities, are pulled in multiple directions, and are attempting to keep multiple plates spinning at the same time. 

A lot of people come to us seeking assistance when their productivity stalls from "busy brain" and loss of focus.   This is where Organizational Leadership Coaching comes in.  We assist you in regaining that mental clarity and focus so you can get back into high levels of production and DOMINATE YOUR SPACE.

Today we're talking about The Importance Of Establishing A Solid Morning Routine.

When you're looking to advance, you spend the majority of your time pushing against and seeking to break through your current barriers; all the while they're pushing back against you.

You want to greet the world with a full tank-so it's imperative that you POSITION YOURSELF TO WIN.

Here's What You Need To Know: How you spend the first two hours of your day predicates how the rest of your day will go.

For Example:

  • Jump on the yo-yo train of high sugar and caffeine first thing in the morning-that's how the rest of your day will go.

  • Press snooze through all 10 of the alarms you've set on your phone- believe it or not, that lends itself towards procrastination for the rest of the day.

  • Jump out of bed and run around like a maniac because you've pressed snooze on all 10 of the alarms you've set on your phone-that sets the tone for how the rest of your day will go.

  • Flipping on the news and responding to other people's emails within that two-hour window places you in a subordinate/defensive position to deal with other people's problems. (However, GENERATING emails is a different story)

CONVERSELY- When you're looking to advance your station, one of the most POWERFUL things you can do is establish a SOLID MORNING ROUTINE.

A SOLID MORNING ROUTINE PLACES YOU IN A POSITION OF POWER, BECAUSE IT PLACES YOU ON THE OFFENSE.  A Solid Morning Routine tells your day how you will run IT, rather than it running YOU.

Here's What We Recommend:

  • WAKE UP AT THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY.  Waking up at the same time each day trains your brain and body into a state of expectancy.  It's one of the easiest ways to establish mental clarity.  


  • EXPRESS GRATITUDE.  Gratitude demonstrates recognition of abundance. It's the acknowledgment that you have more than enough for right now. It's not saying that you are satisfied with your current station, or have a plan to remain where you are; rather, gratitude keeps you from scarcity and lack mentality (which is the basis for making fear-based decisions).


  • EAT BREAKFAST.  There's a reason we learned that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast means "break the fast." When your body goes without food for a period of time (as it does when you sleep), it triggers a physiologic stress response, which causes swings in your blood sugar, stress hormones and mood (and NOT IN A GOOD WAY). Everyone's got time for it-No Excuses. And yes-have your coffee-simply be mindful of what you put in it.


  • REVIEW YOUR GOALS AND AFFIRMATIONS.  Your subconscious mind is highly sensitive first thing when you wake up.  THIS IS THE TIME TO CAPITALIZE ON THAT.  Put yourself into peak state with power breaths and recite your goals and affirmations OUT LOUD.


  • FILL YOUR BRAIN WITH POSITIVITY.  Read/listen to positive, uplifting and enriching material. The only thing that can come out of your brain is what you put into it. REMAIN DILIGENT in what you allow into your space.


  • JOURNAL.  We call this "Mind-Dumping."  One of the reasons why people get stressed and overwhelmed is because they've got 3,000 different ideas and thoughts racing through their head.  YA GOTTA GET THEM OUT, so you can operate at full throttle with mental clarity and focus.  No one's gonna read what you write but you.  It doesn't have to be grammatically correct or even make sense.  Just literally sit down and write whatever comes to mind.

Dominating Your Day requires that you make every decision from a place of peace and power-become a TIGHT GUARDIAN of your morning and do whatever it takes to Position Yourself To Win.

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