Have You Ever Felt Like A Square Peg In A Round Hole?

Oct 03, 2017

Have you ever felt like a square peg in a round hole?

Like you were cut from a different mold, and your goals and dreams are unlike anyone else's?

I got just the thing for you...but first, name this quote: 


It's the Elf from Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer!

Remember him?  The one who didn't wanna make toys like all the other elves did?  

He wanted to be a dentist.  

And that was totally against the status quo.   He was criticized and ridiculed by his boss. He felt alone, misunderstood, and even sang a song about it, "Why am I such a misfit?"

Follow the story through, and he meets Rudolph; who was experiencing the same.  Ridicule because his nose lit up.  Both were deemed as "misfits" because their dreams and unique talents were far from the status quo.

These two "misfits" became quick friends, and went on to discover an entire island of Misfit Toys!!

DON'T GET YOUR UNDIES IN A BUNCH- I'm not calling you a misfit.  Every...and I mean EVERY person who has set out to achieve a goal which was different from the status quo has, at one point or another,  felt the same way.

The difference is that they simply decided that they weren't going for the status quo.

Fitting in wasn't the priority, using their gifts and developing them to their highest potential was.  


God will never give you a dream in your heart without the talents and gifts to make it come true.

Your dream may not be understood by others because it wasn't given to them-it was given to YOU!!

You were also given unique gifts and talents, some of which are unlike those given to your closest friends and family.  GUESS WHAT?  They're what make you special, and are what you use to achieve your dreams. 


As You develop those gifts and talents to their potential, you shine and become the best version of you!

Then you're like a walking billboard; you showcase those talents and they literally draw the "right" people to you.  People who view your "uniqueness" as GREATNESS!

Commit to your dreams, they're  waiting for you!.  



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