Why You Should Set Ridiculously High-Level Goals

Mar 12, 2020

Before we jump into this Training, there's a Coaching Concept from which this post sprouts from.  In our Academy, we uphold the belief that EVERYTHING IS YOUR TRAINING GROUND.  You'll get the most from this post if you assume that Vantage Pointe as we move along.



Some people are turned off by setting high goals, because they're not confident they can actually achieve them.


The other half of it is CONSISTENT EFFORT.  It sounds all easy until you actually break it down and realize:  These are two different beasts that require training as well. 

The first is training yourself to be consistent with frequency of time allocation and exposure to the tasks, skills and actions of your chosen endeavor, and the second is training the intensity of your effort. 

Let's take it one step further-Goals require you to train yourself to command your emotionality.  Training to demand 100% from yourself.  Training to develop your muscles of endurance DESPITE obstacles or situations. 

So you can see, it's not just the goal you're training for.  While you're working towards your goal, you are training yourself for habits of effort and execution.  We share that with you to bring into the light why you may have been having some frustration in realizing your goal/s.  Once you get in there, you realize it's a lot more difficult than you imagined, and it takes a heck of a lot more time.  So when you understand that you're conducting training ON TOP of the training for the goal itself, it makes sense that you get tired, and that the whole process takes longer than expected, doesn't it?  You're welcome. 

You may be saying to yourself, "That's nice to know, but how does this apply to the opening statement of this blog post, "Why You Should Set Ridiculously High-Level Goals."?

We're getting there.  One more quick side step to fill in some preliminary info before we can give you the BEST answer (other than "because we said so."  lol)

Check this out:

Just when you thought you'd never use High School Math for anything, Snap!  Pop Quiz!

Let's quick talk about average.  How do we get the "average" of a group of numbers?  Exactly-you add up all the numbers on each line in the column and divide by the number of line items, right?  Cool. 

Now-check us for accuracy on this one:  What ever the average of all of those numbers is-there are some numbers in the column which are higher than it, and some numbers in the column we just added that are lower than it, correct?  Well, what if- of instead of us just adding up numbers in a column to get "average," we substituted Levels of Goals?  (i.e. some high-=level goals, some low-level goals.)  Trackin with us so far?

Remember what we said-it's not just the GOAL itself, it's the underlying habits of  intensity of effort or frequency of consistency that you're training.  When you set average goals, you have to exert different intensities of effort and inconsistent frequencies of exposure in order to arrive at average. 

You are literally training yourself to become inconsistent when you set average goals, because sometimes you're hitting high, and other times you're hitting low.  

Read it again:  Setting average goals trains you to become INCONSISTENT in effort and execution.  What's worse is that practice develops into a habit.

So what happens over the long haul with this goal and ANYTHING ELSE that requires your effort is that YOU become inconsistent as a result of the habit you created to hit average.  

And not just with one goal-the habit of inconsistency spreads into all areas of your life.  Think about it...

Now watch this...That inconsistency breeds mistrust of yourself.  Any time you let yourself off the hook and demand less than your very best, you have to lay with yourself each night and rest with the fact you took the easy way out.   You know you let yourself off the hook and you let YOU down.  That's where erosion of self-confidence and self-esteem comes from:  the mistrust of yourself from cracks in your integrity with promises you made yourself on what you're capable of and what you committed yourself to doing.  

So when it comes time to take on a new endeavor, rise to the occasion, or lead yourself (especially when the pressure is on), you have LITERALLY trained yourself not to trust yourself.

THIS IS WHAT IS CALLED A TRUST TAX, and it's something you have to PAY on. 

Whereas, when you set high-level goals from the beginning, you train yourself to consistently hit high level in both intensity and frequency-kinda like training with a team that plays at levels far above yours.   

So whether we're talking about work or school; personal or professional endeavors; how you handle your finances, your fitness, your relationships...the moral of the story is:  Your CHOICES-what you demand of yourself on the daily-impacts who you become and the results you ultimately get. 

The shortest distance between two pointes is a straight line.  Our recommendation:  Set your goals HIGH from the beginning and DeVelop the High-Level Habits of a Champion.

Get out there and make it a great day, ya'll!

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