You Become Your Social Orbit

Jul 15, 2019

You become your social orbit.

That means you morph into the people you most hang around.  You pick up their character qualities, how they think, what they talk about, how they spend their time, their money, and their energy.

You acquire their viewpoints, beliefs, and habits.

If they gossip and complain-you begin to gossip and complain.

If they engage in dishonest practices, rampant or reckless consumerism, or frequent drunkenness, you'll usually witness yourself doing the same.

If they neglect their health, you usually neglect yours.

Similarly, when you hang with a group of inspired Goal Getters; you become an inspired Goal Getter.

When you hang with people who speak positive, encouraging and uplifting words-you do the same.

When you hang with people who have a vision for the future, invest in their growth, and maximize their health and fitness-you do the same.

You Become Your Social Orbit-Choose Wisely. 🏆


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