Your Words Create Your Reality

Sep 19, 2019

It is CRUCIAL when you are looking to move your Station (in life, at work, in your health, finances, etc) that you take FULL GUARDIANSHIP of the words you think, speak, type, read and listen to.

Your mind is like a sponge; the only thing that can be squeezed out of it is what you put into it. 

What most people don’t realize is that the Subconscious Mind is RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL. 

It takes you literally and doesn’t understand jokes or sarcasm; and it doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. 

Whatever info you allow into it, the subconscious mind goes to work programming your conscious mind to believe.

Joke around with your friends that you’re “old,” and you will soon start becoming old.

Think to yourself that you’re “horrible at taking tests” or “awful at computers” or “suck at relationships” and you will always stunt your growth before you even begin.

Conversely, speak life over your situation-“I AM the leader people are looking for,” or “I AM a Champion of my Health,” or “I AM a computer whiz,” etc. the subconscious mind goes to work programming your brain to believe it AND automatically take action steps towards making it a reality.

You are listening to every single word you allow to enter your mind. 

Keep the bull$#!+ out and put the good $#!+ in. 🏆

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