Organizational Leadership Coaching


LEVEL 1: Organize Your Brain, Organize Your Life.

4 Sessions

Session #1

Silence Mental Chatter

Session #1 is a Consultation and Strategic Coaching Session.  While this is largely a listening session for your coach, you will learn 3 POWERFUL strategies you can IMMEDIATELY apply to silence mental chatter and achieve the clarity of thought you've been craving.  

Session #2

Increase Your Focus 

Session #2 introduces Champion Mindset Coaching to help you increase your focus, prioritize your priorities, abate distractions and remain congruent with your goals of Organization & Time Management.


Session #3

Boost Productivity 

Session #3 is about generating Action That Produces RESULTS.  Here we capitalize on your newfound focus and maximize your RESULTS by leveraging the power of Nutrition and pushing the envelope of Champion Mindset Training to assist you in operating in the areas of your strengths to yield the highest ROI.

Session #4:

Run Your 24

All of the coaching sessions up to this point develop the skills of organization and time management.  Session #4 is designed to transition you into the habit of assuming an OFFENSIVE POSITION to Run Your 24, rather than it running you.

"I don't just need this; I WANT this! Best thing I've done since losing 140 pounds!"


"She moves fast and gets results. Best thing to have ever happened to me!"

Personal Trainer/Licensed Massage Therapist

" I went into the organizational coaching with an open, but slightly skeptical mind and emerged as a changed man. I practice what I have learned every day and continue to improve on what Nichole has taught me. As I look back to that first day, I think to myself; how could I have made that dramatic of a change by just talking to someone and writing some things down on paper. The answer lies with the teacher and the principles on which they teach. Nichole allowed me to express my thoughts, but never to get off track. She listened intently and then offered suggestions. I never felt like I was being judged or that I was any lesser of a man because I needed help with a basic skill of life. I have learned that it is all about the thought process, and as long as you follow that process, you will succeed. I am a better man today, both spiritually and mentally, because of what I have learned from Nichole. I whole-heartedly recommend Nichole’s coaching to anyone who finds themselves in a state that they think they cannot overcome, a state in which they too may feel like they are just barely keeping their head above the water. To them I say “Give it a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain”. "

Fire Lieutenant/EMS Coordinator

"How do you do what you do? We were only on the phone for 90 minutes! "


"You speak so clearly-it's the first time I've been able to focus in a long time. Thank You. "

Operations Manager
“Making progress in any area is nearly impossible when your brain is working on overload.  Organizational Leadership Coaching empowers you with the full arsenal of tactics and strategies to conquer 'Busy Brain' and Champion your goals. ”
— Nichole DeVincentis, Head Coach and Founder 

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